This product may not be new to most of you, especially those of you who have preschoolers, are teachers, or are just plain crafty. But, I love them so much so I thought I would share them anyway. They are a handy dot making paint stick that are super easy for little hands to use. The Cutie Patootie (now 5) still loves creating masterpieces with them and my 2 year old is amazed and oh so proud of what he creates. You can find them at your local craft store or even online.

There are tons of different art projects that you can create with Do-a-Dot Art.
Inside the product box there was a handy project instructional list. We will be trying a few out and sharing them here soon.
Here is Mr. M in the zone...
I drew a simple line drawing of the letter M. He had a blast following the line to create the letter. He was very proud of himself.
And here he is creating the #2....
If you don't have these already, they are a creative must have for little ones!!
With whimsy~
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